Slim version, decent tailoring, stylish atmosphere, a clear outline of the shape, interpretation of the home service in this winter fashion, highlighting the elegant sense of line, just the right folds and without traces of stitching in the details of the female graceful graceful The body's posture
Figure: Kai Code home service
Simple style, rich colors, put it on, in the winter can be beautiful, warm and stylish, designers understatement of several broken lines, it will make you wear self-cultivation is not bloated, strong sense of hierarchy, glossy material makes you look more fashion.
Figure: Kai Code home service
3D stereo cut, yet loose and loose, not too constrained tight design, elegant and comfortable, to show you the power of independence and self-confidence, self-challenge and the innovative energy engraved in the gene.
Weihai Jocund Home Textile Co., Ltd ,