Snow Van Ni official micro channel officially opened it!

You are concerned about the snow Vanney friends, you want to learn more about Snow Van Ni information? Do you want to receive the latest offer of snow vaunter for the first time? In addition to concerned about the official microblogging snow Vanni, check the official website, you can also join the official microblogging snow Vanni, instant access to first-hand snow snow information brand! Here, Snow Fanny will carefully provide you with the latest company news, new products and trendy mix, shop activities and interactive content such as interactive experience. Quickly join Xue Fanni micro letter fashion circle, experience the extraordinary fashion experience!

雪凡妮 - SOFANI

Snow Vanni Wenzhou flagship store

In addition, the Wenzhou Qianjiang shop will also be concerned about the micro-channel that is to send promotions, as long as the customer into scanning the store concerned about the "Snow Van Ni" official WeChat, you can enjoy the purchase of regular price service by 30 yuan discount.
Venue: Wenzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, Qianjiang Road, No. 135 Event Time: September 13, 2013 - September 19, detailed rules detailed activities to shop sales staff. The final interpretation of this activity owned by Zhejiang Snow Fanni Garments Co., Ltd. all.

Please search "Snow Vanni" Add WeChat Buddy, or scan the QR code to follow the official website of snow Vanni.


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